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CHIT-CHAT: A Battle against Humans or Viruses?

Hi guys!
covid-19, humans, love, virus
Photo credit: Istockphoto.com
I've missed writing to you and do hope that you are tucked in and safe at home. This too will pass, i know because God will turn it around for our good.

Well, i have gist!
So, with all that has been going on in the world, the forceful shut down of regular activities, panic shopping and updates of celebrities who have caught the virus and the material/financial support from citizens and different organizations in curbing this deadly virus some people are still power driven.
How terrible should things get before a person is humbled and full of empathy?

As far as we know, Lagos state has gone on a full lock down as the tests have come up positive in increasing numbers and citizens are adhering to government's safety guidelines while other states in the country are just beginning to settle into the reality of the day.
However, before the virus kills us, we have chosen to kill ourselves with clubs and sticks, hatred and power-drunkenness, ignorance and pride.

Why should a young man be shot because the government wants citizens to be safe in their homes?
Why do we hear gunshots targeted at a fellowman when the enemy is a microscopic organism.
Where has empathy gone to? Why do we have men consumed with hatred and drunk with power.
Our country is blessed and so are it's citizens but we must act like it. This war is against coronavirus and not against fellow-humans.

We must defend the human race against a viral strain- whose attack is even more bearable than the hate from a fellow human.

While we pray, practice love to our neighbors, we MUST speak up about this negative vices that threaten to steal our peace and joy.

Don't think that you are safe in your own space, we all thought so when Wuhan announced a strange contagious virus that attacked the respiratory organs after 14 days.

Love don't hate!



  1. blessings.......
    These times begs all your questions and more. Sadly though the virus is the symptom of a bigger problem. i.e. the ones who created it in the first place.

    I wish you peace of mind, spirit and body.

  2. Amen on God turning it around for our good. Thanks and keep staying safe.


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